Thank you for giving Craig’s Restoration & Repair, LLC the opportunity to inspect and certify your nurse tanks. With the new understandings of the rules and regulations with the Department of Transportation here are a few things that we had to change when it comes to the testing of nurse tanks:
  1. You are responsible for changing all percent gauge gaskets prior to our arrival to complete testing.  You will not receive any paperwork, proper labeling, or final testing if this is not completed.
  2. All tanks placards need to look like new and be legible. We recommend that placards be replaced prior to our arrival. If your placard is discolored and marred it will need to be replaced. We will not be carrying placards with us, therefore, if you do not have new ones on we will not be able to complete the test and you will have a second charge for another visit in order for us to certify your tanks.
  3. All tanks must be filled prior to our arrival. All tanks must be 100% filled with water. The proper fill of a tank is when you have water coming back out of the open valves on a level area. Therefore creating no air pockets. It is important that the pop-off valves are loose but still in their nozzle and all valves are closed but still intact in order for the water to stay in the tank if moved off level ground, otherwise this will create more incurred cost due to our hourly rate.  If you are questioning this feel free to call Mark @ 608-295-3367 and talk to him about it.
  4. All valves and pressure gauges will be changed out at the time of testing if they are faulty. Again when filling tanks do not remove the pop-off valves completely but have them loosened as you can lose water from the tank when moving to unlevel areas.
  5. Due to some changes that Craig’s Restoration & Repair L.L.C. has made we will no longer have a flat rate for each tank. Our charge will now be determined by the amount of hours it takes us to complete your nurse tank inspections. A flat rate of $200 per hour will be applied to every job. We figure we can average 50 tanks a week in 45 hours if you have completed everything that we ask, but you will be billed based on the hours that we are there as well as the $1.50 per mile mileage rate. ** This is an option for you, it is recommended to have an employee around to help with the changing of valves after testing this would cut down on the amount of time it will take our employees to complete this task which in turn will cut down on your final bill. This is an option for you, it is not required that you have someone present to help with this task.
  6. All failed tanks will be billed with a minimum charge per tank for the inspection fee of $150.00.

Nurse tank inspections are (usually) performed during the months of June - August. If this sounds good to you the sooner you get it returned to us the better and sooner your chances will be to get nurse tank testing’s completed this year.
Our goal is to assist you in keeping in compliance with the Department of Transportation regulations. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions, comments or concerns. Again, thank you for your business. If you have any further questions feel free to contact Mark @ 608-295-3367.

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